Active Flag
Keeping fit and healthy is an important part of our school life - we encourage our children to get the recommended sixty minutes of physcial activity each day at school and at home! We provide daily healthy lunches to our students also.
This year (2018/2019) the boys are working hard towards achieving their Active Flag!!!
Run, jump, skip and play, that's what keeps us fit each day!

Active School Committee
These children have been nominated as our Active School Committee for this academic year. We meet sometimes during lunch or at the start of the day to set up activities that will be happening in the school or organise and sort PE equipment for the teachers for any PE lessons.
Our children are collecting rugby stickers from their shopping in Aldi to be in with a chance of winning 50,000 euro for our school which would really develop our PE equipment and facilities. There are also many other prizes up for grabs!